The art of communication is the language of leadership

James Hume

Grandison Communications: 'Communication is the language of leadership'

Image from Unsplash by Anthony Delanoix


Never underestimate the importance of how you communicate. It really is not just what you say, but how you say it.

The impression you leave on your audience is critical. It isn’t enough to rely on facts, figures and arguments. Your message needs to leave your audience with an emotional punch, as much as appeal to their rational reason. Only then will your message have the desired effect – and stimulate change.

This is why you need to be able to tell a compelling story.

You never make a decision in isolation, it is always shaped by other events and issues. Likewise, it is the same for audiences, as they interpret your decisions and evaluate the impact that they will have on them personally, or other audiences that they may represent.

I believe it is essential to adopt a holistic approach to communication. This means putting yourself in the ‘shoes’ of your stakeholders and understanding what really matters to them.

I can provide strategic counsel working closely with you to identify, develop and refine your narrative story which will clearly explain to your target audience why you have undertaken a specific business decision.

I will help you develop key messages to underpin your narrative and provide honest feedback on which messages will work and which will not. This can be crucial as different audiences (for example: media, government, employee and investor) have different priorities and will want to hear different messages. I will help you adapt your messages so that they carry maximum resonance with each audience.

I will help you to effectively communicate your narrative with each target audience. I will train you, so that you feel confident and are fully prepared to engage with media interviews. I can also help you convey your message directly to media and devise and execute a media engagement strategy tailored to suit your objectives.


“Rupert provided reputational, crisis and public affairs counsel to Cristal over a four year period. As a business we were going through an exceptionally challenging period in the UK and needed to rebuild bridges with a number of key audience groups. He was instrumental in driving forward a multi-stakeholder focused strategy whereby we successfully engaged with different audiences educating them about the changes we were introducing to our UK business and explaining to them the measures that we had already taken to place the business on a more secure footing. With Rupert’s calm and reassuring guidance, we successfully undertook a journey transforming the perception of Cristal UK’s reputation into a leader of best manufacturing practice.”

Rebecca Kirvan-Rodgers, UK Corporate Communications, Cristal Global