Grandison Communications: Public Affairs

Image from Unsplash courtesy of Lucas Davies

Next to doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you are doing the right thing”

John D. Rockefeller


I am often asked why should a company or organisation invest in government relations?

The answer is simple.

Governments legislate, and they regulate, and they have the ability to transform your operating environment which can severely impact your company or organisation’s reputation.

One of the biggest structural challenges any government faces is falling into the trap of developing policy in silos. More informed policy delivers more effective results, and minimises the risk of unintended consequences, but it requires contribution from expert private sector and charity sector organisations.

Engaging in government relations is like an insurance premium. It enables a company or an organisation to contribute to policy development and potentially mitigate harmful policies before they become law.

I can help you understand the potential impact of government policy on your company or organisation, and help you navigate the governmental landscape, ensuring that you are ideally placed and prepared to advocate your point of view to policymakers.

Effective advocacy depends on understanding how government operates as much as the personalities involved. I can help you map, audit and understand which stakeholders really matter to you and then construct and execute a campaign which will deliver on your policy objectives.

Policymakers want to be persuaded and welcome the opportunity to hear fresh insights and ideas from sector experts. I can help you develop and represent your views in the most impactful way to resonate with this audience, through the development of bespoke content to the methods of how you engage with policymakers.

There are occasions when policymakers actively search for sector experts and request evidence to parliamentary select committees inquiries and policy consultations. I can help you prepare for any written or oral evidence sessions that you may need to participate in, or assist you with any government consultation responses.


“I worked closely with Rupert for three years and he was consistently a source of robust counsel, as we executed a campaign targeting and educating political stakeholders to embrace a new category of new oral anticoagulant (NOAC) medications of which BI’s medicine was first to market. Rupert was crucial in helping devise and execute a clear data-driven campaign strategy which focused on presenting visually the improvement in patient outcomes and cost effectiveness that would benefit the NHS by initiating uptake of this innovative medicine.”

Greg Quinn, UK Public Affairs & Patient Advocacy Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim